Sunday, July 25, 2010

Manchester, Oxford and the Asker Family

The Asker Foundation is part of a family of companies run and owned by the Asker Family. The Askers came to England during the 1960s when violence broke out in their homeland of Cyprus. Though some might consider it strange, the family lives along side the large Greek/Turkish community existing outside of Manchester in a small sattelite town called Rockhollow.

Rockhollow is a major enclave of various cultural groups. One of them being Amazo.

There is also a bad guy finally for Arrow Child. He has two henchmen, one being a former IRA enforcer named Lial.

Monday, July 12, 2010


A long week and little to no movement on Arrow Child. My friends got me back into Dungeons and Dragons. So now here I am working on a home brew campaign for them. I have started thinking about the general next scene of the story. Right now I want to focus on the family life of young Eleni and the interaction between her and her friends and relatives.

The one thing I do have so far is a villain like person and I'm developing a general plot. Once I get more work done I'll post the notes here.

Ciao ;)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Teeth out and Amazon names...

So deciding what happens in the next part of Arrow Child is taking a while. Most of it is sketching out names and getting an idea of the family dynamic. So the word amount is on hold as I slowly work on that. There has been no major updates on Amazo as I was jack by my guild mates for the week.

However I am back and I plan to post a few names for the upcoming section of Arrow Child:

Eleni Alkaiaes
Adelphi Alkaiase

I'll talk more about the two as the book progresses. All names in the book are subject to change as everything moves along.