Monday, December 20, 2010

History of the Nation Part 1

Amazon History is recorded in the Book of Blood, an extensive collection of Stories, Anthologies and Lineages. Each Ozikon and Amazon family has it's own Book of Blood. Within the Book are detailed the histories of the Amazons from their ascension out of a plagued mountain Valley, to their rise in Thrace a thousand years later.

Thousands of years ago a plague struck a small mountain valley. Many in the village died in that time and many of the men that once protected the village and farmed the land died in pained silence. It was during that time that the wife of the passed Chieftain fell into a fevered dream. Surviving the disease she awoke after several days of hallucinations to speak of a new faith. The woman said that in her dreams a snow leopard spirit had come to her. The creature calling itself a Totem told her to cast off the old way and to persevere like the mountain. It was during these days that the foundation of the Amazon Faith of today was laid.

The tribe of the valley left and with that struck out into the open plain. During these times the great Saka clans had come from the middle Steppe and were building their grand kingdoms. For the first few years the lone tribe wandered living as it could. It learned over time however that those blooded of the women from the days of the plague were strong. No illness or fell air could strike them down. they learned to defend themselves. As plague and sickness. Under the tutelate of the First Chieftainess the tribe trained in war for protection. As generations passed and wars with the Saka turned to wars with the Sarmatian Nomads the tribe expanded. No longer were they wandering without hope, they were warriors, they were Strong.

Generations of nomadic on horseback life hardened the farmers that had once eked out a life in the cool mountain valleys. The line of Chieftainesses split as the tribe became disparate clans spread across the steppe. Time moved on as the people took to war more easily and raided other tribes. During this time the ancestral Amazo spoke a mixture of Scythian and old Indo-Aryan tongues. Eventually their tribal tongue would evolve into the Amazo-Persian variant that the Ionians would encounter centuries later. It was under the great grand mother of Oretera a woman whose name has been lost time. Under this great woman the adherents of the original First Totem, the SnowLeopard, would rise to prominence as mercenaries in the Southern Lands of the Achaens. The real martial ferocity of those early years was truly trying.

For centuries the tribe had fought from horse back with bow and spear. Never had they fought in such battles. Long since the old ways of small skirmishes gone and now came the time of true war. Three generations saw the rise of the Kamakazaran (Indo-Aryan meaning "Those who make war") Mercenaries fighting for various factions across the states bordering the Aegean and the Black Sea.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A new Ozikon and a new character

The Girl who stood.

She's one of my new characters and I absolutely love her. She's part of a new StormCrow Ozikon called the Anɲarathez. Descended from one of the women who traveld with Presenthilsea against the Achaens in the war of Troy. Her Queen cut down in war, Antrandre or Anɲarathosh fought bravely but was cut down by the Demon Achilles. To this day the members of her Bloodline are ferocious fighters and do not take lightly to injustice. Loyal many of the Ozikon can be found in Russia and the Ukraine.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It has been a long time, update for christmas :)

So a word came up today, well two words: Zeutheunth Ɲythones

This is dealing with the body marks found on all Amazones. These are called the painted stories or simply Zeutheunth Ɲythones. The words in Amazo literally mean "Paint stories" on me. It's a passive statement and because it lacks many of the clitics used to mark Aspect, Tense and Mood, it can be hard to understand. This is how in many cases the names of certain things exist. Amazo is a fickle language that in translation certain terms and names are almost completely impossible to understand. However it does create some interesting affluent sounds that give the language it's richness.

The Painted Stories are the carefully hellenic styled tattoos found on all Amazons. Usually center to these marks are a back tattoo depicting either the Ozikon founder or the other important figures to the Amazon's life. Usually the Stories begin on either the left or right arm. Carefully over time they are added to and once someone dies they are displayed as a way to tell the persons story. Clan Totems and particular honored dead are also important in the stories as are personal achievements. 

The Painted Stories have their origin in the Pazyryk Culture totemic body tattoos. It is a tradition dating back thousands of years and is kept proudly by the Amazon Nation. To this day every young Amazon child discusses his or her future Stories and what they wish to have inked into their skin. Those that betray the nation often will find their tattoos purposely targeted in combat. It is considered highly insulting and arrogant to wear a tattoo if one is not an Amazon OR if they have left the Nation.