Sunday, June 27, 2010

Late late night...

After taking a break while working on Amazo all week I've started updating the skin for Oak Cross. Most of it is a basic addition of a few graphics. Hopefully it will help to attract a few more people ;)

So an update on Amazo and Amazon culture. I'm working on their clan system and so far I have two cans. The SnowLeopard and the RunningHorse Clan. Both are named after a totem which the Amazons believe they inherited after accomplishing something to impress the totem spirit. Each Clan is split into family base Genos lineages that then relate to each other via a concept of sisterhood. I'm working with the greek words Fratria and Patria to get a better idea of what this is. The current concept for the word is Muteria or ɲuteria. Which is a sort of role inherited via blood relation. How this works with the Genos I am not sure oO.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

First part of the manuscript is finally done!

Just a quick update the first major part of Arrow Child is done. So I'll be able to finally move along. I've started developing the story behind how the Amazons gained their name and a I've got a few more words in Amazo-Persian ;). The Basics of Amazon culture are complete and I'll be sketching out more ideas for their society as time moves on.

Sorry for the short blog, I'll have a longer one up later today.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer goin in June...

Late night and four episodes of the Tudors later I made more headway on Arrow Child! Steadily catching up with the 2,000 or so words I'm behind by, I hope to have the first part done soon if not by this weekend! The only thing making me pause is a name for the family that will take up most of the story. Plus I need a name for a few others, but the good news is I've almost finished the basis of Amazo-Persian. Which once I can find a classical greek speaker I can start a derivation process to create Amazo :)

On another note, Oak Cross is gonna be 3 months old soon. And it is going well! The storyline is moving along at a good pace and I hope to add more to the forums as time goes on. I'm also looking at creating an accompanying site to store extra information on :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Some more stuff on Amazo-Persian

So here are some of the basics of Amazo-Persian Phonology:

Amazo-Persian linguistically borrows greatly from Old Persian and Proto-Indo-Persian. It also has several heavy influences including the dropping of masculine aspects in many roles particular dealing with leadership.

Long / Stressed Vowels: /a:/, /e:/, /i:/, /u:/
Short Vowels: /a/, /i/, /u/

Stressed vowels are marked with a macron over the vowel such as in the case of “ā”,

Plosives: /p/, /b/, /d/, /t̪/, /ɟ/, /k/
Aspirations: /kʱ/
Nasals: /n/, /ɲ/
Fricatives: /β/, /θ/, /ç/, /x/, /h/
Sibilant: /s/, /z/, /ʃ/
Rhotic: /ɾ/
Lateral: /ɭ/
Approximant: /ʋ/

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A small update with notes from Amazo-Persian

A few words on a minor conlang project, which is the precursor to another I will be working on.

ūrīta = strong
Nara = Woman
Mara = Man
Marā = Men
Patiŝ = Lord
Ijaŝ = Thunder
Āçila = Lady

This is a language that will be from a now dead branch of the Indo-Iranian family. Specifically it's closest would be Sanskrit with a few cognates in Persian. It is found on the pot shards found in a pontic greek settlement near the black sea.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A temporary hold

The work on the book will be slightly delayed as I have started work on Amazonian. A new language which will have Iranian and Hellenic influence. It will be feature in the names of some up and coming characters. The work will continue on as I have to make sure the basis of everything works :)

Finals are now over so I'll be free to finally work more on Arrow Child. Which is perhaps one of the hardest projects I've taken on. I've started looking into possibly contacting a few of the local professors to prep for researching that I'll be conducting to improve the project.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Final push is almost there...

A short message is all I have time to leave. Arrow Child is going to be put on hold until I can finish my finals. But hopefully I may have worked on the plot for the series a bit more. More on that will be up once I'm freed of the confines of Finals week.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Finals near a stand still

I'm pretty dang tired of finals. I'm tired of all the damn writing and all of it in general. The assignments are actually interestings and aren't that bad. It's the quantity of them and the timeline that bother me. Everything piles up and pressed down. It's quite an experience if I say so myself.

So my final assignments are an exam and a written ethnography. The ethnography is going to be pretty cool and the exam I got some help from my groupmates to figure out how to go about answering it. This should definitely help! And I keep getting side tracked by stuff. Hopefully I can get back on track and get some more writing for Arrow Child done.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Masks and Tattoos...

Two nights ago I was viewing a few images out DeviantArt when I came across An interesting image depicting masks of the seven Cherokee clans. And since I'm one of those people who loves tribal art it's been seriously influencing my ideas for the world of Arrow Child. Which right now I'm still keeping a slight lid on.

Finals are still moving along and honestly it's driving me nuts. That plus searching for jobs and what not I'm going to be damn happy to get the starting part of Arrow Child finished. I'll post an excerpt up as soon as it's ready :)

Peace out for now!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

So the Journey Begins...

This is the very first post in a blog which I am somewhat wondering will be viewed on a scale. If so awesome, if not, well, I will at least have a place to keep track of my work :)

So I now have two major goals ahead of me. I ShadowedSin, hereby declare that by this time next year I plan to finish the manuscript for Arrow Child. And if anyone is wondering Arrow Child is a work that I came up with after much contemplation and thought.

Arrow Child is a euphenism for a young girl in her early days in Uni. Strange thing is that the name is derived from a well known group, the Amazones. Or as the name is also said, the Amazons. If anyone is wondering it is a modern story of how the Amazons in the real world have been dashed to obscurity and once again rise to reclaim their identity and their nation.

Other than that my goal is accomplish roughly 1,000+ words a week and to keep writing until the job is done. In general a 150 words a day would be best. Let's see if this can be done!

Here goes :) Notes on Amazonian Culture, and other Cultures in the world to come along with my search to find a job for the summer.