Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Orrian Part 2 - Noun Stems and Much more!

Here are some more notes including diphthongs:
/ai/ - as in eye
/au/ - as in cow
/oi/ - as in Koi

Here are my quick notes on Orrian Noun Stems:

-a Stems: (-a, -yya [fem.] -an, -ana [fem.])
-e Stems: (-et [neuter], -en, -ena (fem.)]
-o Stems: (-os, -on, -osa [fem.], -o, -oha [fem.])
-u Stems: (-uv, -uvi [fem.], -us)
-i Steams: (-il [Fem.], -ir, -is [neuter], -ik)

Examples of a Noun.

In feminine endings the consonant before the open vowel or after the vowel is preserved and the applied case after nominative is added on.

Sarana = Saryya (non modernized) = Saryyash

Reza (King that existed before the Cataclysm)

Nominative: Reza
Accusative: Rezam
Vocative: Rezash
Dative: Rezahya
Genitive: Rezaya
Locative: Rezai
Ablative: Rezait

First Declension:
Nominative: -a (or -an, -ana,)
Accusative: -am
Vocative: -ash
Dative: -ahya
Genitive: -aya
Locative: -ai
Ablative: -ait

Plural -
Nominative: -aha
Accusative: -ami
Vocative: -ashi
Dative: -abiya
Genitive: -ayai
Locative: -aiya
Ablative: -aita

Second Declension: Singular
Nominative: -en (-et [neuter],-ena (fem.)]
Accusative: -em
Vocative: -esh
Dative: -ehya
Genitive: -eya
Locative: -eyi
Ablative: -eti

Plural -
Nominative: -eha
Accusative: -emi
Vocative: -eshi
Dative: -ebiya
Genitive: -eyai
Locative: -ehyi
Ablative: -etyi

Third Declension: Singular
Nominative: -os  (-on, -osa [fem.], -o, -ola [fem.])
Accusative: -om
Vocative: -osh
Dative: -ohya
Genitive: -oya
Locative: -oyai
Ablative: -otai

Plural -
Nominative: -oha
Accusative: -omi
Vocative: -oshi
Dative: -obiya
Genitive: -oyai
Locative: -oiya
Ablative: -oita

Fourth Declension: Singular
Nominative: -uv (-uvi [fem.], -us)
Accusative: -umi
Vocative: -ush
Dative: -uhya
Genitive: -uya
Locative: -uyai
Ablative: -utai

Plural -
Nominative: -auha
Accusative: -aumi
Vocative: -aushi
Dative: -aubiya
Genitive: -auyai
Locative: -auya
Ablative: -auta

Fifth Declension: Singular
Nominative: -il [Fem.] (-ir, -is [neuter], -ik)
Accusative: -im
Vocative: -ish
Dative: -ihya
Genitive: -iya
Locative: -iyai
Ablative: -itai

Plural -
Nominative: -iha
Accusative: -ima
Vocative: -isha
Dative: -ibiya
Genitive: -iyai
Locative: -iya
Ablative: -ita

Adjectives coming tomorrow!

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