Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Amazo Clans

The Amazones are split currently into four large clans. Each had it's place and duty within the general culture of the Nation and even to this day represent a key set of bloodlines that add to the general tradition of the Amazo people.

The Snowleopard Clan, a group of Priests and the clan of the original Dynastic Queens. The Snowleopard is the oldest clan of the Nation and hold to their traditions with honor.

The RunningHorse Clan, founded by Queen Hippolyta when she fought the Achaens during the Trojan War. The RunningHorse has been the clan of the Warriors and Calvary officers for the past several centuries. Several of the later Dynasties also claim relation to this Clan.

The StormCrow Clan, formed by exiles in Northern Europe, they are a those that do their best to record the oral and written history of the nation. Some of most learned Shamanesses come from the this clan.

The LongTalon Clan, created when a group of Amazo were stranded along the Silk Road, the LongTalon over time married into the regions of India and in some cases China. They originally took up the old nomadic way when Themiscyra fell and were the last Clan to retake the oath to Artemis after the re-unification.

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